June 21, 2016
prepare yourself for success

Prepare Yourself for Success as a Medical Transcriptionist

  Prepare Yourself For Success as a Medical Transcriptionist There is a philosophy that if one makes little changes on an ongoing basis, always improves productivity […]
April 30, 2015
how to build a professional profile on LinkedIn

How To Build A Professional Profile On LinkedIn

Do you want to learn how to build a professional profile on LinkedIn? Let’s start by pointing out that almost everyone is on social media. Some […]
April 6, 2015
online learning

Why Study Online? The Online Learning Trend

Why learning online is such a popular new path for Higher Education Every day, people are hearing more and more about online learning opportunities. It seems as technology advances, so does the amount of successful graduates of online courses and training sessions. For someone who has never experienced online training, it can be overwhelming. Change and the unknown can be intimidating - knowing the benefits of online training is crucial in deciding whether or not online learning is right for you....

March 17, 2015
The Back-To-School Survival Guide for Single Moms

The Back-To-School Survival Guide for Single Moms

Starting a New Career Path as a Mature Student Being a student is hard enough – learning and retaining new information, meeting project deadlines, staying up late to cram for a test – now throw in being a single mom and working full-time into the mix! It sounds impossible, but there are success stories every day. In the past, adult students were considered “non-traditional”, but this is no longer the case. More and more adult learners are returning to school to learn new skills and trades....

March 12, 2015
A person holding a pen

Excel Basics: Creating a Workbook

Microsoft Excel is a program that allows you to organize and manipulate data. It can sort data, perform calculations (using formulas), and make it easy to find and search the exact data you are looking for. The great thing about Excel is that it can be extremely useful to a very wide variety of people. From organizing a household budget to running functions for thousands of cells of data, Excel can be useful to pretty much anyone. Excel can look pretty daunting to a first-time user - this tutorial will cover the basic functions of the program. Let’s look at creating a workbook, customizing a...

February 26, 2015
How to Personalize your home office

3 Tips To Learn How To Personalize Your Home Office

Make Your Office Your Own Most of us are at work or in our home office at least 40 hours a week. That's almost one quarter of our life each week! My workspace is truly my home away from home, and as you finish your education and start your new career, yours will be as well. With that being said, why not make it as comfortable as your living room? Many of my co-workers like to drop by my work area just to say "hi" because they tell me how relaxing and comfortable it is over here – it's all about ambience! Your desire to work should come out of a sense of passion and....

January 13, 2015
ways to make your computer faster

6 Ways to Make Your Computer Faster

As we all know, Medical Transcriptionists absolutely depend on their computers. It can be extremely frustrating to try to work on a computer that isn't running properly! Keeping a good maintenance program and regularly cleaning your computer can help keep it running fast, and will allow you to work more productively. If you’re having major problems with your computer, you should place a call to the manufacturer or bring it in to be serviced. But first, a little technological cleaning may put the hum back in your hard drive. Get rid of clutter

December 22, 2014

10 Ways To Maintain Your Studying Motivation During the Holidays

The holiday season can be an extremely difficult time to motivate yourself to study. As if keeping yourself focused under everyday pressures isn't enough, try throwing holiday parties, copious amounts of food, gift shopping, and family into the mix! I am here to tell you that yes, it is possible to stay on track with your studies during the holidays, and maybe even...get ahead! Here are some ways to increase your motivation to study:

November 14, 2014
Isolations Effects

Isolation Effects and Working From Home

There are many advantages and perks to working from home. You save money on gas and auto expenses, you have a better level of comfort, and you can wear your slippers if you want. You get to be there more for your families. These are all just some of the many bonuses that a work-from-home career can offer. Challenges of working from home Many people, especially those in the transcription industry and those new to the transcription industry, like the idea of working at home. There are, however, challenges to working from home, and one of the biggest dangers is the...

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