October 27, 2014
medical sound-alikes

12 Medical Sound-Alikes And Tips For Dealing With Them

Medical words that sound similar (and how to deal with them) Sound-alike words can pose a challenge to transcriptionists. For example, there is a vast difference between ileum and ilium, even though they sound the same. It could be a critical mistake to type the wrong word into a medical report. The ileum refers to the distal portion of the colon while ilium refers to the superior portion of the hip bone. Using the wrong word could make the medical report very confusing and could potentially put a patient's life at risk.

May 7, 2014
The 7 Different Learning Styles

The 7 Different Learning Styles

Did you know there are different learning styles? I had no idea. Maybe that explains why school always came easily for me but my friend struggled to get above a C. If only we had known then, what we know now! It could have saved a lot of heartache. But on the bright side, my friend now realizes that she is a visual learner (with some aural thrown in for good measure), so now she can embrace her upcoming course in a whole new light… and appreciation!

It is commonly believed that most people favor some form of interacting with, taking in, and processing information. By recognizing and understanding your own learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to you. This can...

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